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Why is my art form company already listed? I didn't register it. This is a common question we get here at Arts.TealRay.com. To make this site useful before you discovered it, we added a whole bunch of companies into our database. We did not register you (you must do that), but we listed you with links to your website. Look at your company listing closely. We supplied the Info E-mail based on what we found on your website. When you register using that e-mail address, you will automatically become the administrative user for that company. As administrative user, you can post events and invite others to be administrative users with you. If you see your company listed, but you see no Info E-mail displayed, then that means we couldn't find a contact e-mail address on your site. You'll need to contact the webmaster and ask to be added as the administrative user for your company. When you contact the webmaster, it's a good idea to identify yourself by
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