PlayMakers Repertory Company
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Website www
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Phonephone (919) 962-1122
AddressCB# 3235, Center for Dramatic Art, UNC Campus
Chapel Hill, North Carolina  27599-3235   United States  
mapquest Ticket    google map Ticket
Art FormTheatre
RegionTriangle, North Carolina


We are a professional company with an educational mission involving both artists and audience. We believe that continuous investigation is a healthy artistic policy and that the interaction of professionals and students is beneficial to all. We believe in ongoing relationships with guest artists who embrace and contribute to our mission, because we know that they will grow here and will stimulate all of us to grow as well.

We are committed to creating productions that embrace the cultural diversity of today's world and to augmenting the effectiveness of our work through outreach programs. The theatre has throughout history provided a place where an audience can assemble to reflect upon itself, filling an essential need in the examined life for which a civilization must strive. We at PlayMakers Repertory Company want to engage our entire community in an ongoing exploration of the nature and significance of theatre in contemporary life. We hope that our work here leads to discoveries that enrich us all.

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